Still Mind Books

If you're not big on reading books but want life-changing advice from self-help books, you're in the right spot. We pick out the best bits from these books to give you practical tips for success and happiness. Our goal is to inspire you to check out the full books yourself. And when you do, feel free to share your own favorites with us. Let's build a community focused on personal growth and living our best lives, all thanks to the wisdom found in these books!

To get the most out of what you learn from these books, having a still mind is key. Visit this link to learn how to develop a still mind that can help you to use the knowledge from the self-help books to live a super life. Like Napoleon Hill said, having the right kind of mind can help you become rich and live an amazing life. Also, according to JCC & JIP in 'Built to Last,' having a strong inner core, which is your mind, is the best way to stay stable. So, work on your mind, and you'll find more stability and success in your life.